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Merger Information
Meet FaithPoint UMC
FaithPoint UMC approached Middletown in November for a merger absorption. A small congregation of faith, without a pastor, FaithPoint UMC brings gifts of lay leadership, music ministry, adaptivity, and a heart for missions. They have a vital avenue for online worship that multiplies discipleship. With less than 75 members, this community of faith has been adaptable in the ways they have worshiped, served, and made disciples to meet the changing needs of ministry in the Greater Urbana area. Passionate about sharing the love of Christ with their neighbors, they have a heart for serving Christ. Read their letter to our church leadership here.
Why merge with FaithPoint?
As Christians, we have a call to make disciples. After a difficult season of pandemic, many churches are struggling to find viable ways forward. While this has been a hard season for MUMC, we are blessed to be a larger community of faith that has weathered this storm. Welcoming a community into our fold that has a shared mission, vision and values multiplies our efforts as we share the love of God with the world.
As United Methodists, we are called to "Do All the Good We Can." This is one way we can do good, extending open arms and welcome. By welcoming this community of faith into the MUMC community we are offering the love of Christ.
The leadership from FaithPoint also brings leadership to MUMC in ways we are still growing. Their long history of a vital online worship community will be a great gift to our community of faith as we learn how to meet the changing dynamic of worship post-pandemic.
We voted to what?
Now comes the important work of welcoming and enfolding the FaithPoint community into MUMC.
Say Hello! The best way this happens is by greeting people you see in worship each week! After the pandemic season where people have stepped away, there is no shame in introducing yourself to someone you don’t know! They might be from FaithPoint, or some of our new visitors from other places, or people who have been away for a while. Saying “Hello!” is a big part of that.
Wearing a nametag helps too! We have some on hand if you are interested in introducing yourself to others!
Introduce Your Ministry. If you lead a ministry at MUMC, take a minute to write a few words about what it is and how people might be involved if they would like to participate. This is important work of helping people live into their calling in this season.
Try New Things! This is a great opportunity to try a new Bible Study or Sunday School class, to live into a dream you have for a new ministry, or commit to a new service opportunity. Inviting someone to try these new things with you is a great way to make people feel welcome.
Other Frequently Asked Questions:
What does this merger look like in our leadership?
FaithPoint has a transition team that is working with the leaders of MUMC to make sure that all necessary work is completed. This includes transferring members, and financial information, giving information, notifying the state of their merger, transferring their online presence, and closing all bank accounts at the end of 2023.
FaithPoint members will be able to become leaders of MUMC effective January 1, 2022 and Jillian Trawick will be joining our Church Council and Heidi Pierce will be joining our Staff-Parrish Committee.
What was the actual Resolution that was approved?
The final resolution will be posted her as soon as the document is fully edited.
That’s great. But what about all of FaithPoint’s stuff?
FaithPoint does not own any Property and will take the next several months to work with the transition team to either find a place for their items at MUMC or donate their things to ministries that can use them.
FaithPoint has an online worship service - CommonTable. What happens to this?
For the month of January, CommonTable, which is FaithPoint’s online ministry, will run their “Greatest Hits” instead of new content. A small team will work together to discern a ministry vision and mission for this online presence to share with the Church Council before it is launched. We know that online worship is not just something that happened during the pandemic, but an important part of ministry in the future and are thankful for FaithPoint’s knowledge and wisdom around effective online worship.
What if not everyone from FaithPoint wants to join MUMC?
Members will have a chance to chose not to be added to the MUMC rolls. Some have chosen to not join any church and others have found a church home elsewhere. It is our hope and prayer that all people can find a church community where they feel welcome.
When might I meet FaithPoint people?
Chances are - if you have been at worship in the last two months - you already have! FaithPoint members are coming predominantly to the 10:30 service and watching online, but have been a part of December’s Blast of Love, come to Sunday School and attend fellowship opportunities.
What does this look like for Christmas Eve?
We are expecting FaithPoint visitors at our 3 pm Family Nativity Service and our 7 pm Contemporary Service on Christmas Eve. We will have FaithPoint greeters paired with MUMC greeters to that those visiting MUMC for the first time from FaithPoint could see a familiar face. We are also intentionally asking both MUMC and FaithPoint leaders to serve in worship during these two services.
For more information, or to ask a question, please reach out to the church office.